The Oberbillwerder master plan was developed on the basis of the contest’s winning design that came from ADEPT and Karres+Brands. The basic idea is a “Connected City”, a neighbourhood that is integrated into its surroundings.
The basic urban structure is derived from the local cultivated landscape. The open space with its hallmark, the Green Loop, will become the core element linking different quarters.
Oberbillwerder is one of the most ambitious urban development projects in Europe. Under the auspices of IBA Hamburg, the City wants to create a neighbourhood that is designed for people of different origins, incomes, ages and living situations.
The new claim (that loosely translates to “You should become a part of Oberbillwerder”) creates the communal centre of the new quarter. Oberbillwerder’s new corporate identity shows the open attitude and invitation to participation in vigorous colours and dynamic typography.
Community, diversity, sustainability, agility? And a participatory approach on top? Yes, please!
We intertwine the district’s new identity, the integrative Oberbillwerder way of living, with our refreshing, colourful illustrations that were coined and created exclusively for the project. Its identity and concept comprehensively signal the outstanding character of the project on all channels - and literally extend an invitation to Hamburg’s southeast to become an active part of the master plan. A bright and exciting new chapter for urban and future planning of our home town.